
Our services include among others consultancy, management and marketing the results of jointly developed projects together with SMEs in Germany and worldwide.

Our Services

Optimization Software
Development and Application of Mathematical Energy Models
Development and Application of Concepts on Circular Economy
Development and Application of Resource Efficient Technologies
Energy Recovery in Industrial Plants
Water and Agricultural Waste Recovery

Development of Mathematical Energy Models and Softwares

Our expertise lies in the field of mathematical energy models, system analyzes and optimal design of energy transition. Mathematical energy models are developed as professional software. The model software is used for the planning and analysis of the interaction of energy, economy, environment and society. We have developed the models on energy demand, energy systems and supply and have used these models to advise on energy policy or to contribute to long-term energy planning.

Mathematical Models of Virtual Power Plant and Smart System

The development and marketing of smart systems is our main task. This means that the development of knowledge-based and technical systems as well as the support of products are an important task of NE3T.

Basic Design of Energy-Water-Environment Systems

The networking of energy, water and material flows in technical systems is an important key to developing or applying resource-efficient and environmentally friendly technologies. In this context, simulation and mathematical modeling are considered as the basis for the technical design and application of the mathematical models in industry.

Application of energy and resource efficient Technologies

The energy transition is linked to the development of resource efficient and environmentally friendly technologies. Based on actual trend and scientific experience, developing clean technologies is an important and competitive business for NE3T.

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